May 19, 2020 

Dear Patients and Parents,

Great News!  We are ready to resume patient care soon!

As the mandatory stay-at-home order nears an end, our team is diligently preparing to see you. We are working closely with the California Department of Public Health and the CDC to determine when we will be allowed to open our office for non-emergency orthodontic appointments.  Now that we have been able to procure a sufficient amount of PPE and have had enough time to implement safety protocols that go above and beyond procedures required by the state, we are pleased to announce that we will increase our capacity to handle “essential procedures” and we will be starting Tuesday, May 26th.  Final approval by the California Department of Public Health may require us to modify that date.

During our mandated COVID-19 related closure we have reviewed, modified and updated all office systems and procedures to ensure the safety and health of our patients and staff.  You will immediately notice some of these changes upon your first return visit to our office. 

Here are a few changes you can expect:

1- Pre- COVID-19 screening questions are being asked and temperatures being taken upon arrival.

2- When you arrive at the office, please stay in your car and call us to check in for your appointment.

3- Parents and siblings must stay in the car during patients appointments with the exception of new patient exams.  One parent may attend appointment.

4- If you have a fever or any COVID symptoms please reschedule your appointment.

5- Please do not bring infants or young children into the office.

6- All patients will be REQUIRED TO WEAR THEIR MASK when arriving at the office and use sanitizer upon entering.

7-We ask that patients LIMIT CONVERSATIONS other than what is pertinent to their visit to LIMIT AEROSOLS. We will as well. 

8- Patients need to brush their teeth BEFORE coming into the office. We can no longer provide a toothbrushing area.

9- Increased frequency of surface disinfecting.

10- Plexi-glass shields between staff and patient interactions.

11- Limiting the amount of patients waiting in the waiting room and in the clinic chairs.

12- High touch surfaces such as the coffee machine and magazines will no longer be available.

13- Follow up appointments will be scheduled over the phone.


  1. All patients/parents must complete the Supplemental Consent Form before being seen.

Please go to our website to download and sign.

  1. Patients WITHOUT A CONSENT FORM will have their appointment rescheduled.

Our office has made significant investments in the implementation of products and procedures to protect your health.  During this financially trying time we want you to know we are here for you.  Please know that we are NOT imposing any additional charges for these additional measures to safeguard your health.

Thank you for your patience and for being a part of our dental family! We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming you all back.

Thank you all so much for your support!

- Drs. Berger and Team


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